So, an idea I was tossing around #asr was playing through one of the games that I’ve played very frequently, doing a Let’s Play of it… only throwing in some type of twist.

For an example, Let’s Play Might and Magic VII SPOON!ed might include a regular runthrough of MM7…  with a party of Goblin Druids.  Things like that.

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Probably not a good sign for my stress levels that I’m back to looking at the TinyBox, but eh.

So, TinyBox.  For those that are unfamiliar with the concept, here is my previous attempt.  In short, I was really only working on it to distract myself from stress, but it was a DOS gaming machine designed to be as small as possible.

Well, times and technology has changed.  MiniITX motherboards are no longer ridiculously overpriced, processors have become a lot faster (not that it matters so much for direct DOS gaming…), and emulators have come a long way.  I mean, I can play Daggerfall at full speed now upscaled even.

So, I return once more to thoughts of a TinyBox.
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