Oy. My head, it’s pounding so bad..
I swear that I hear the noises of owls screeching… concentrate Margaret, concentrate…
Wait, why is my bed moving..
Oy. My head, it’s pounding so bad..
I swear that I hear the noises of owls screeching… concentrate Margaret, concentrate…
Wait, why is my bed moving..
I’m going to start off with a more text-heavy Let’s Play, mostly because I can’t video to actually record for MM7 without it horribly breaking and I just don’t feel like it. Maybe if I actually had any readers for my blog to speak of. :P
So, an idea I was tossing around #asr was playing through one of the games that I’ve played very frequently, doing a Let’s Play of it… only throwing in some type of twist.
For an example, Let’s Play Might and Magic VII SPOON!ed might include a regular runthrough of MM7… with a party of Goblin Druids. Things like that.
So, TinyBox. For those that are unfamiliar with the concept, here is my previous attempt. In short, I was really only working on it to distract myself from stress, but it was a DOS gaming machine designed to be as small as possible.
Well, times and technology has changed. MiniITX motherboards are no longer ridiculously overpriced, processors have become a lot faster (not that it matters so much for direct DOS gaming…), and emulators have come a long way. I mean, I can play Daggerfall at full speed now upscaled even.
So, I return once more to thoughts of a TinyBox.
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