

Yesterday at the foster clinic there was a woman with a litter of tiny, tiny kittens, one of whom was a beautiful orange and white creamsicle.  I told her, “I love orange boy cats, they are all so stupid.” and the foster mom said to me, with tears of love in her eyes, face glowing with maternal pride, “He is only 6 days old and I can already tell that he’s going to be so stupid!”

I have no and can confirm



fluffy orange kitty

Who’s the pretty boy?

…This is my blog to post the shenanigans of my beautiful, amazing, ridiculous, and adorable kitties. It’s mostly a digital photo album/memory book for myself, but feel free to follow :)


u ever talk to a business major and ur like “so what do you do?” and they fuckin say something like “i work in aggregate client centric business executive content data management logistics analytics development” like sir none of those words have definitions 


Poor game design: adding cats and dogs in your game and not allowing for the player character to pet them

If you want to support good game design (?), might I recommend @CanYouPetTheDog on Twitter? On Fridays they also cover other, similar situations (petting other animals, for instance).