An overview on how to build a desktop computer. Well, the manual labor – the hard part is actually just knowing what to put in to a computer, not the physical job of installing everything.

Also, this is the first (and probably only) vlog without a cat in it, so I made sure I had a cat in the thumbnail from a test picture I took. Hi Issun!

Unfortunately, Youtube can’t autopost to Tumblr/LJ, so I have to do it manually. Since rendering and uploading took a bajillion years last night, that means posting it the next morning.
Oh well, the vlog was still done last night.

Here you go! A re-introduction to me, via stream of consciousness vlogging. Woo.

Test vlog, stardate 12345.q.

I’m testing out my new camera and lighting setup. How do I look? How do I sound?

… that tech tree is slightly tilted, isn’t it? Drat.
Still, better than my old vlogs at least?