VEDA2018 #29 – Escam G02 / KittyCam
I give my first impressions and show you all how to set up my new KittyCam – an Escam (or eScam) G02. Also, this video is cursed.

VEDA2018 #26 – Perky! RPG

Featuring all three kitties! That’s how I’m bribing people to watch a video about my latest roleplaying character and my homebrew system. Wait, I don’t think I’m supposed to say that last part.

VEDA2018 #25 – Weather, mostly.
A long walk where I talk about the weather. Mostly. Kind-of.

Cameras! I talk / ramble about them!
Also including some older photos I have taken in the past. Some in the tags for a hint…

VEDA2018 #21 – Frustration

Where I make a bed and rotate it! And have a kitty! And show off the latest damage to my phone. Woo!

VEDA2018 #20 – Quick Video
Warning: I didn’t put any kitties in this video. :(

VEDA2018 #19 – Quick Cooking Chat

In which I ramble a bit and include my successful hamburger story from… today.