VEDA2018 #25 – Weather, mostly.
A long walk where I talk about the weather. Mostly. Kind-of.

Cameras! I talk / ramble about them!
Also including some older photos I have taken in the past. Some in the tags for a hint…

VEDA2018 #15

There are two parts to this video.

If you’re here for the regular vlogging updates, that’s the first part.
I had a really nasty anxiety attack Saturday night / Sunday morning. While preparing for my planned VEDA, I ended up recording some of my recovery. It is kind of painful for me to show (I ended up crying a bit remembering the feelings while editing), I think it is important to show what others are dealing with, usually in silence. Feel free to skip the last parts if you don’t want to watch that.

VEDA2018 #13 – Travel and Games
Where I merge two videos together because my brain can’t focus enough on one topic?

And here’s today’s vlog, covering Votification. Briefly. I mostly don’t have a voice and the weather is crummy, so I kept it short. That and I feel like garbage. Eh.
Still, there is cute kitty goodness at the end! Woo!