VEDA 2019.04.06 – Computing Turducken (Part One)

This is my big secret project – the Computing Turducken. It is part-computer design, part-art project. This video has taken an extraordinary amount of time to set up (and a not-insignificant amount of money, despite my efforts to be a cheapskate), but I think it is worth it in the end. Hopefully my rambling doesn’t take away from the enjoyment of the video, even if it is a nearly-hour-long-vlog.

I’ll be doing updates on the Turducken every so often, with a major update once a week (probably).

An overview on how to build a desktop computer. Well, the manual labor – the hard part is actually just knowing what to put in to a computer, not the physical job of installing everything.

Also, this is the first (and probably only) vlog without a cat in it, so I made sure I had a cat in the thumbnail from a test picture I took. Hi Issun!

An overview on how to build a desktop computer. Well, the manual labor – the hard part is actually just knowing what to put in to a computer, not the physical job of installing everything.

Also, this is the first (and probably only) vlog without a cat in it, so I made sure I had a cat in the thumbnail from a test picture I took. Hi Issun!

So, my fileserver is now three years old. Well, parts of her are three years old, parts of her are nearly ten.
I think it is time to replace her… well, parts of her anyway. You know, the parts that aren’t hard drives due to the ridiculously high price of hard drives at the moment.

I’ve decided to kick off writing things to my blog again my posting a ridiculously long entry (3600 words) no one will read!  HOORAY! In short, I detail how my file server currently works, what doesn’t work, and make a few builds off of Newegg for replacing her, then figure out why the hell I chose the parts that I did.

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Probably not a good sign for my stress levels that I’m back to looking at the TinyBox, but eh.

So, TinyBox.  For those that are unfamiliar with the concept, here is my previous attempt.  In short, I was really only working on it to distract myself from stress, but it was a DOS gaming machine designed to be as small as possible.

Well, times and technology has changed.  MiniITX motherboards are no longer ridiculously overpriced, processors have become a lot faster (not that it matters so much for direct DOS gaming…), and emulators have come a long way.  I mean, I can play Daggerfall at full speed now upscaled even.

So, I return once more to thoughts of a TinyBox.
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